Thursday, June 24, 2010

Another Obama telling quote

This line is from the official Fathers' Day proclamation sent out by Obama:

Nurturing families come in many forms, and children may be raised by a father and mother, a single father, two fathers, a step father, a grandfather, or caring guardian.

OK, fine. But I'm offended that he left out so many others. What about two fathers AND a mother, what about a father AND two mothers, what about three fathers, what about a father and a goat? So offensive that he would exclude so many.


Anonymous said...

You're always offended about something.

EL GUAPO said...

No one offends anyone, one has to choose to be offended. I so choose.

teak421 said...

One time I was at Starbucks studying and asked a person next to me what they were studying... She replied, child psychologist. So, knowing me I asked a simple question, "What's best for a child, a mother and father or a couple of the same sex?". She squirmed for 10 minutes making excuses about lack of parents, but I said..."Let's assume that we have two couples, one homosexual and the other heterosexual, but are in a committed relationship and both are stable... what is BEST for the child?" Finally, after much angst, she admitted, yes, the heterosexual couple was BEST. So, in this day of McDonalds being sued for poor food, and other stuff... why doesn't the government promote whats BEST for child development?