Friday, August 28, 2009


Please, please wake up out there. Check out this link:

So Obama now wants to be able to take over the internet in the case of an emergency. Is there any question that this guy wants total control, that he is a complete socialist/communist, and that his intentions are completely evil? Not in my mind or the minds of those who will actually stop and take an objective view of what is happening. The czars (aka special advisors) are in place, he's taken over the automobile and banking industries, he's got us neck deep in debt and he's trying to take control of the health system in the nation ..... the list just goes on and on. It is so blatantly obvious what this guy is doing. Do you see it?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The ACLU is at it again.

The ACLU (America's Communism Lovers Union) is at it again, this time in Florida. Three school administrators are facing criminal prosecution for saying a prayer at a private event. Once again, they are trying to push Christianity out of America. Rest assured that had these administrators read from the Koran, or prayed to the Sierra Club god of tree-dom or worshipped the GLBT god of free-for-all-sex, not a word would have been said. But since they are Christians, the ACLU is going after them. Why do we allow this organization to continue to receive taxpayer dollars then persecute the very people who make it possible for them to exist? Fortuantely Liberty Counsel is fighting back. Why can't Liberty Counsel get the same government financial support that the ACLU receives?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Man or Woman?

There is a South African track star, running as a woman, that may not actually be a woman. Unfortunately you can't really tell simply by looking at the person. So the international running police said they will have to do a gender test. Here's where I get confused. The AP story stated, "The verification requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender. "So we're talking about reports that are very long, very time consuming," Davies said."" What the .....! Isn't there just one test to do that would take about 10 seconds? Take this person into a private place with some delicately selected individuals and have them drop their chonies. You'll know right away. Why in the world would you do any other type of test? Here's the answer. Later in the article is this statement: "If there's a problem and it turns out there's been a fraud ..... that someone has changed sex, then obviously it would be much easier to strip results," Davies added. "However, if it's a natural thing and the athlete has always thought she's a woman or been a woman, it's not exactly cheating." You have got to be kidding me! So if a man believes he's a woman, it's now a "natural thing" and they can compete as a woman?!?! He can use the women's restroom, locker room, etc? This is so ludicrous I can hardly believe it is even being discussed. This is the same type of thing the LGBT people are trying to push on everybody in America, beginning with our children. This has got to be stopped. It is tearing the fabric of the family apart and when the family goes, America goes.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"UP & OUT"

This needs to be our motto for the foreseeable elections. "UP & OUT" - If you're UP for re-election, you're getting voted OUT. Come on America, we've got to clean out this political cesspool and vote in people who are statesmen rather than politicians. I'm so tired of hearing from them - Democrats, Republicans, Liberatians, Independents, etc. -who don't stand up for anything and fall for everything. Where are the leaders who actually value family, country and God? Where has honesty and integrity gone? It's all so out of control. I'm an optimist and have hope that we'll turn this all around but some days I wonder.

OK, here's a couple of examples of the problems in America - John Edwards & Miley Cyrus. 'Nuff said.