Thursday, July 15, 2010

The NEA ..... Again

Last year about this time, I blogged about the stupidity of the NEA and how they spend their time. This year they were in New Orleans and over the past year they have gotten even stupider (is that a real word?). This year they have recognized a new caucus - The NEA Drag Queen Caucus. Yes, that is a real caucus. Check it out at:
Of course, this caucus joins other valuable caucuses within the NEA like:

Bourbon Caucus
Caribbean Caucus
Campers Caucus
Gay & Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Caucus
No Cocktail Left Behind Caucus
Princess Caucus

Yes, all valuable groups within the NEA who are addressing pressing problems within the education world. Ya, right. NEA, how 'bout you start this caucus:
God-fearing, America-loving, child-caring, traditional-family-believing Caucus.
Oh, I forgot. You'd actually have to have someone in your group that believed in these things to start the caucus. Oh well, it was a nice thought.

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