Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Don't discriminate against Gays

Leave it to the Church (led by the Lord) to once again handle a situation perfectly. See the article below:

"Salt Lake OKs gay rights ordinances"
Mormon church — which opposes same-sex marriage — backs laws

This is not a shift in the Church's position. It is simply that the ordinance is a common sense approach to preventing discrimination against gays. Since being gay is a person's choice, they can choose not to act on their tendencies (just as an alcoholic can choose to not act on tendencies toward drinking). We shouldn't discriminate against gays, alcoholics, smokers, etc. But we should put restrictions in place to try to limit the damage they might do because of their habits.

The Lord told us to love everyone. And in doing this, we are sometimes required to put limits in place. Just ask my children.


Kathryn Pepper said...

I didn't have any limits. I did what I wanted! Woohoo!!!

EL GUAPO said...

Hey, I put the smack down whenever you needed it!