Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama was Brilliant.

Yes he was. His speech to school choldren was very inspirational. One report had a listener saying they 'had chills' listening to him. There were many reports of kids being inspired by Obama's words. He didn't say anything that I don't agree with. So all is well, right? No, because Obama accomplished exactly what he intended - to instill in these kids that he more than a man, more than just a great leader, that he is downright God-like. It is more than just having respect for the President of the United States. He has a way of mesmerizing and hypnotizing people into thinking he is the greatest thing to ever walk on this planet. And he has fooled so many. He has fooled them so well that despite all of the evidence to the contrary, they still think he is an honest, compassionate, freedom-loving leader. Beware.

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