Thursday, July 16, 2009


America, WAKE UP! Hello, are you there? What is wrong with you? Can't you see that Barack Obama and the liberals are taking over this country and heading us toward a socialist, one-world government? Come on, you can't tell me you don't see it. You can't honestly believe that what he is doing is good for the country. Let's see, here's just a sampling of what I see:
1) A stimulus package that put us so far into debt that my great grandchildren will still be paying for it. No substantial results except that it gives Obama more control.
2) Government is now running GM. More control.
3) Thirty-two government Czars who are given extraordinary authority with no one to answer to except, you guessed it, Obama. Which means - more control.
4) Pushing for cap-and-trade and government-led health care. Uh-Oh, more control.
5) Totally being in bed with all the unions in America. Can anyone say, "More control."
Oh, I could go on and on. This is so totally pathetic that it makes me crazy. Obama is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage (despite of what he says), pro-ACLU, pro-ACORN. How much more un-American can you be?!? When will we wake up and do something? We've got to save America.

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