Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Great Motivator

Did anyone hear Obama's speak to the NAACP? What in the world?!? We might as well have voted Zig Ziglar or Tony Robbins as President. And Obama was in total preacher mode. He gets up there and tells eveyone to pump up our kids and that they can do more than just be Lebron or Lil' Wayne, how we should dream and accomplish all we can. And of course his congregation was getting hysterical and applauding like crazy. I'm sure if he would have let out a big belch he would have gotten a standing ovation. He is the great motivator. Now, if he would just stick to what he is good at, we'd be OK. Instead, this guy is the POTUS. Let's elect a real president and just let Obama run around the world giving motivational speeches. Oh wait, he didn't even do that well when he was in Africa. Oh well.

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