Monday, March 8, 2010

Am I a Worry-Wart?

I may not have posted anything here lately but that doesn't mean I'm not worried.

From the time Barack Obama first started campaigning for President, I've been worried. There have been so many issues brought up about him that people just seem to accept. I guess it started with Jeremiah Wright but it's just gotten worse and worse. All the things he hides, his cabinet full of progressive-leaning people, his lies, and the list goes on.

I was particularly bothered when I heard him discuss the issue of 'reconciliation'. When he was in the Senate he vocalized against it. When he ran for president, he said he'd get 60 votes to pass his bills. But now, when push-comes-to-shove, he's all for it. What do his supporters say about this? How do they justify supporting a man who outright lies about things like this?

We've heard the continuing stories about Rahm Emanuel and now we have someone who confirms what so many already knew.
Again I ask the Obama supporters, how do you defend these types of actions?

America - What is it going to take for us to take our country back from those who want to destroy it? Obama, unions and progressives are dragging our country down to he** and that's exactly where we'll end up if we don't stand up and do something about it.


Anonymous said...

Please tell us something nice. Tell us about your children, your church, your dog, your favorite charity, or your last vacation. Just tell us ANYTHING nice.

EL GUAPO said...

If you want nice, go to lovey-dovey dot com or something. This is my venting blog. I put all the nice things in my personal journal.