Friday, October 9, 2009

I Can't Stand It!!!!

AAAAHHHHHH. HELP. I am completely stunned. Right when I thought Obama had done everything he could to completely shock me in his efforts to destroy this country, he one-ups me with today's announcement. Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? This must be a prank. Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.?!?! Is it true that nominations were due two weeks after he was inaugurated and he was nominated then, after serving as president for two weeks? Will someone please, please, please explain to me why there is no one standing up and exposing Obama for the socialist/communist that he is? How can he keep burying this country, literally destroying our democracy, taking God and morality out of our nation and then get awarded for it?

Here is my prediction: Obama is going to try to change, modify or eliminate the US Constitution because there is some great emergency in the country that justifies this action.

Beware afraid America. Be very afraid.

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