Friday, April 4, 2008

Dancing with Obama

Is it any wonder there is this buzz around the candidacy of Barack Obama? Considering that the whole nation is obsessed with 'American Idol', 'Dancing with the Stars', and 'Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?', it is no wonder we are drawn to Obama. He's good-looking, a great public speaker and puts on a great show. Just like those shows. But also just like those shows, there is nothing behind him. No substance, no depth and nothing important. The analogy goes even further than that. While many people watching these popular shows think there is no harm being done, I disagree. They are turning people into sleepwalking zombies who live just to see the next episode. They are killing our initiative and enthusiasm. Likewise, Obama is dangerous albeit in different ways. He is a tax-and-spend, partial birth abortion, LGBT, global warming, surrender-in-Iraq Democrat who will do immeasureable damage to America. WAKE UP AMERICA! God-fearing Americans need to take back our country.

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