Friday, September 4, 2009

I Pledge .....

OK, OK, OK, I'm trying to stay composed after watching this video.

Are you serious! What is going on?!? Can you honestly watch this and say to yourself, 'Barack Obama is just trying to motivate us and wants us to be better people.' I can't believe these two lines:
"I Pledge to be of service to Barack Obama", and
"I pledge to be a servant to our president."
WHAT!! Then check out the picture that comes out at the end. Unbelievable. Do the words dictator and czar come to mind? They do to me. It is so stupidly obvious that Obama wants to be worshipped and rule this planet.
I have a pledge (or two):
1) I pledge to go through this video and list out every celebrity that appears in it and boycott anything they do.
2) I pledge to vote for whoever runs against Obama in 2012 no matter who it is.


Anonymous said...

You seem filled with so much hate and is very sad.

EL GUAPO said...

Actually, the sad part is that you're NOT angry (I don't hate anyone). Those who passionately love God and Country need to get angry if that's what it takes to get something done. We're the founding fathers angry? Was Moses angry? I'd rather be angry than be like you who blindly follow the socialist sheep.