Monday, July 6, 2009

Where Have I Been?

It's hard to believe its been more than half-a-year since I last added something here. Not that anyone actually cares but I should blog more just for my own sanity. So many things I keep thinking about that should be written down so they don't clutter up my brain.

1) Michael Jackson. He really was a talented individual. As a big Gene Kelly fan, I always admired Jackson for his singing and dancing. But unlike Kelly, Jackson couldn't act at all. But I always liked Jackson's music. My favorite Jackson 5 song has always been "I Want You Back' and my favorite solo is 'Black or White'. When I was DJ'ing, I sure played a lot of his music, usually encouraging the audience to see who could do the best moonwalk. So it is sad that he has passed. But is it really the end of the world that many people seem to think it is. I heard someone suggest a Michael Jackson stamp and a day to honor him. Come on now! He was good but he was also very wierd and even leaned to the perverted side. He was an entertainer. If you're going to honor someone, how about all the doctors and nurses that save lives every day, or the soldiers that protect our country, or the policemen and firemen, or clergy and volunteers or ....... the list goes on. Although he entertained us, he never did what any of these others have done for us. Let's just say thanks and goodbye, and save the honors for those who truly deserve them.

2) Sarah Palin. Let's make her Mitt Romney's VP running mate and get them both elected. That's what this country really needs - some real business sense and some of that Alaska common sense.

3) Barack Obama. I've finally figured him out. He wants to be king of the world. Yes, I said KING OF THE WORLD! I know everyone thinks I'm nutty but all the signs are there. He criticizes the US, apologizes to the world for our behavior, takes down all of our defenses and snuggles up with the every leader/dictator/terrorist in the world and then scolds the one nation the rest of the world loves to hate - Israel. Think about it, if you wanted to win an election to be the king of the world, what would you do? Exactly what Obama is doing! I'm all for being diplomatic and trying to make nice with others, but come on! He is taking our country down a socialist road (so that the rest of the world will feel good) and doing everything he can to destroy all that is good about this country. If we're stuck with eight years of this man as president, we'll all be in big trouble.

Whew, that felt good. I should do it more often.


Kathryn Pepper said...

I didn't know you had a blog!! I like your picture, too!! Now I'm going to read it all the time.

StrawberryGoose said...

When in the Heck where you going to tell US you had a blog?! Oh well, we still found it. You can't hide! Yay for "blog-stalking!"