Leave it to the Church (led by the Lord) to once again handle a situation perfectly. See the article below:
"Salt Lake OKs gay rights ordinances"
Mormon church — which opposes same-sex marriage — backs laws
This is not a shift in the Church's position. It is simply that the ordinance is a common sense approach to preventing discrimination against gays. Since being gay is a person's choice, they can choose not to act on their tendencies (just as an alcoholic can choose to not act on tendencies toward drinking). We shouldn't discriminate against gays, alcoholics, smokers, etc. But we should put restrictions in place to try to limit the damage they might do because of their habits.
The Lord told us to love everyone. And in doing this, we are sometimes required to put limits in place. Just ask my children.
I started this blog because I needed a place to document my feelings on certain issues. I may not always be right but usually I am.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Bow Down!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I Pledge Allegiance ...
... to Mexi-merica. That's the new name of our country once the amnesty bill going through Congress gets passed. See what CNN has to say about this:
My grandfather came to America from Mexico and worked very hard to earn a living for his family. He worked on the ranches of the beautiful San Joaquin valley in California. And he became a US citizen. He learned english and paid taxes. Although he was a US citizen, he still honored his Mexican roots but never pushed it on anyone else. It's too bad many of the illegal aliens in our country can't follow his example.
Now everyone sing the national anthem, "La, la, la, la, la, la Bamba ......."
My grandfather came to America from Mexico and worked very hard to earn a living for his family. He worked on the ranches of the beautiful San Joaquin valley in California. And he became a US citizen. He learned english and paid taxes. Although he was a US citizen, he still honored his Mexican roots but never pushed it on anyone else. It's too bad many of the illegal aliens in our country can't follow his example.
Now everyone sing the national anthem, "La, la, la, la, la, la Bamba ......."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We've Lost Another Great Crooner
The great crooner Al Martino died this week. His version of 'Spanish Eyes' was a classic and he wasn't a bad actor either. Those like Mr. Martino, whose music could really move your soul, are becoming a rare breed indeed. Truly today, teardrops are falling from my spanish eyes.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Obama - President of the World
I knew this would start sometime and here it is. William Bradley is a liberal blogger who recently posted on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/william-bradley/why-obama-doesnt-deserve_b_315833.html. In this article, he makes the statement that Obama is “the hands-down favorite to be the president of the world, if there were such a thing.” Make no mistake about it, this is exactly what Obama wants to be and everything he's done so far makes this very obvious.
So what keeps people from seeing the obvious and working to stop him? I believe it is mostly pride. After putting Obama up on a pedestal and seeing him as their redeemer, it is difficult to admit that they made a mistake. For those who do recognize what is happening and disavow their allegience to Obama, the crazy right-wing fanatics jump all over them with 'I told you so' or 'It's about time you came to your senses'. This doesn't help. We just need to join together and do what is best for America and I believe that is keeping America a God-fearing, freedom-loving, traditional-family honoring country. Forget the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and the rest of them. I'm waiting for a candidate that runs on a true America-loving platform. Will someone please step forward?
So what keeps people from seeing the obvious and working to stop him? I believe it is mostly pride. After putting Obama up on a pedestal and seeing him as their redeemer, it is difficult to admit that they made a mistake. For those who do recognize what is happening and disavow their allegience to Obama, the crazy right-wing fanatics jump all over them with 'I told you so' or 'It's about time you came to your senses'. This doesn't help. We just need to join together and do what is best for America and I believe that is keeping America a God-fearing, freedom-loving, traditional-family honoring country. Forget the Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and the rest of them. I'm waiting for a candidate that runs on a true America-loving platform. Will someone please step forward?
Friday, October 9, 2009
I Can't Stand It!!!!
AAAAHHHHHH. HELP. I am completely stunned. Right when I thought Obama had done everything he could to completely shock me in his efforts to destroy this country, he one-ups me with today's announcement. Are you kidding me? Is this a joke? This must be a prank. Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize.?!?! Is it true that nominations were due two weeks after he was inaugurated and he was nominated then, after serving as president for two weeks? Will someone please, please, please explain to me why there is no one standing up and exposing Obama for the socialist/communist that he is? How can he keep burying this country, literally destroying our democracy, taking God and morality out of our nation and then get awarded for it?
Here is my prediction: Obama is going to try to change, modify or eliminate the US Constitution because there is some great emergency in the country that justifies this action.
Beware afraid America. Be very afraid.
Here is my prediction: Obama is going to try to change, modify or eliminate the US Constitution because there is some great emergency in the country that justifies this action.
Beware afraid America. Be very afraid.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Another Piece of the Obama Puzzle
I don't know how many pieces of evidence people need to figure out Barack Obama's agenda but I've certainly figured it out. Here's another piece in the puzzle:
Kevin Jennings is the "Safe and Drug Free Schools Czar". This is so totally laughable, ridiculous and obvious that it can't be questioned as to what Obama is trying to accomplish. Don't know who Mr. Jennings is? How about the founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) , the group that is promoting homosexual behavior in the schools under the guise of 'anti-bullying.' Besides admitting to getting drunk and stoned frequently as a teenager, his intolerance of anything religious, and his comments in the forward of the book 'Queering Elementary Education', he is just a jerk.
So, somebody, tell me that Obama didn't know these things about Jennings, tell me that Jennings' ivy-league education makes him qualified for this job, tell me that I'm just being a hate-filled, paraniod, right-wing homophobe. Since none of these things are true, this must be just another piece in a puzzle where we all know what the final picture will be and it isn't pretty.
Kevin Jennings is the "Safe and Drug Free Schools Czar". This is so totally laughable, ridiculous and obvious that it can't be questioned as to what Obama is trying to accomplish. Don't know who Mr. Jennings is? How about the founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) , the group that is promoting homosexual behavior in the schools under the guise of 'anti-bullying.' Besides admitting to getting drunk and stoned frequently as a teenager, his intolerance of anything religious, and his comments in the forward of the book 'Queering Elementary Education', he is just a jerk.
So, somebody, tell me that Obama didn't know these things about Jennings, tell me that Jennings' ivy-league education makes him qualified for this job, tell me that I'm just being a hate-filled, paraniod, right-wing homophobe. Since none of these things are true, this must be just another piece in a puzzle where we all know what the final picture will be and it isn't pretty.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Driving with Teenagers
According to an article in the September 25th, 2009 edition of USA Today titled, "Teen's driving tied to folks", two studies showed that parents have a big effect on how safely their kids drive. I am always amazed that people conduct studies just to prove the obvious. But anyway, a quote for the article says this:
"The real message of this paper is that parents matter," says Ken Ginsburg, associate professor of pediatrics at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and author of one of the papers. "If you take this seriously and you are an active parent that gives appropriate rules and boundries combined with warmth and support, you can actually make a tremendous difference."
Well I'll be darned. Really? Parents are important and if you love your kids and give them rules, it actually makes a difference? Who would've thought? Of course this only applies to how your kids drive. Too bad it doesn't work in other areas of their lives because if it did, we'd probably all do it. Yea, right.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Bustin' It

1) Some sheep are calm and some are wild and you never know what kind you're going to get. In life, we never know what kind of sheep we're going to have to ride.
2) You have to hold on as tightly as you can. Don't we all.
3) You'll always fall off, but you have to dust yourself off and get back on again. If you break something, you go to the doctor, get healed and then what? You get right back on! If every kid could learn this lesson, we'd be much better off.
4) Someone wins and someone loses. Yes, somebody's feelings will probably get hurt but that just makes you more determined to do better next time.
5) Everyone is rooting for you, especially your parents. Just go to one of these events and watch. There's no booing or jeering, just rooting and encouragement. And Mom and Dad are always right there, not to keep you from falling but to help support, motivate and love.
I could go on and on. I am now a big fan of mutton bustin' as an official class for kids in school. Think the liberals (ie teachers union) will go for it? No, they'll be too busy riding "It's A Small World".
Friday, September 18, 2009
On the Road Again
We're traveling across the west, transplanting our lives. What a beautiful country we live in. Mt. Shasta is absolutely beautiful. I love the pacific northwest. No place more beautiful on this earth.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thomas Sowell Nails It
This guy is good and says it straight. I completely agree with him.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Obama was Brilliant.
Yes he was. His speech to school choldren was very inspirational. One report had a listener saying they 'had chills' listening to him. There were many reports of kids being inspired by Obama's words. He didn't say anything that I don't agree with. So all is well, right? No, because Obama accomplished exactly what he intended - to instill in these kids that he more than a man, more than just a great leader, that he is downright God-like. It is more than just having respect for the President of the United States. He has a way of mesmerizing and hypnotizing people into thinking he is the greatest thing to ever walk on this planet. And he has fooled so many. He has fooled them so well that despite all of the evidence to the contrary, they still think he is an honest, compassionate, freedom-loving leader. Beware.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Labor Day
Here it is, Labor Day 2009. I am grateful for having a great job at a wonderful company in a beautiful part of this country. I'm grateful for all that came before me that made this possible, including labor unions. They helped make conditions for the working man better and helped bring about many of the laws and regulations that protect us today. But that being said, they had their time and it has passed. They now cause more problems and are so corrupt that it is time for them to go.
Remember in the old west, people used wagons pulled by horses. They were useful and needed. But since then, things have changed and new methods have been developed. Unions take note - at one time you were useful and needed. But now, it is time for you to go away, to become a part of history.
Unions - I will always be appeciative of what you accomplished and how I have benefitted. But your time has come and gone and it is time to close up shop.
Remember in the old west, people used wagons pulled by horses. They were useful and needed. But since then, things have changed and new methods have been developed. Unions take note - at one time you were useful and needed. But now, it is time for you to go away, to become a part of history.
Unions - I will always be appeciative of what you accomplished and how I have benefitted. But your time has come and gone and it is time to close up shop.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I Pledge .....
OK, OK, OK, I'm trying to stay composed after watching this video.
Are you serious! What is going on?!? Can you honestly watch this and say to yourself, 'Barack Obama is just trying to motivate us and wants us to be better people.' I can't believe these two lines:
"I Pledge to be of service to Barack Obama", and
"I pledge to be a servant to our president."
WHAT!! Then check out the picture that comes out at the end. Unbelievable. Do the words dictator and czar come to mind? They do to me. It is so stupidly obvious that Obama wants to be worshipped and rule this planet.
I have a pledge (or two):
1) I pledge to go through this video and list out every celebrity that appears in it and boycott anything they do.
2) I pledge to vote for whoever runs against Obama in 2012 no matter who it is.
Are you serious! What is going on?!? Can you honestly watch this and say to yourself, 'Barack Obama is just trying to motivate us and wants us to be better people.' I can't believe these two lines:
"I Pledge to be of service to Barack Obama", and
"I pledge to be a servant to our president."
WHAT!! Then check out the picture that comes out at the end. Unbelievable. Do the words dictator and czar come to mind? They do to me. It is so stupidly obvious that Obama wants to be worshipped and rule this planet.
I have a pledge (or two):
1) I pledge to go through this video and list out every celebrity that appears in it and boycott anything they do.
2) I pledge to vote for whoever runs against Obama in 2012 no matter who it is.
Who's Running this Country?
I've been trying to figure out who really runs this country. I believe Obama is the face of a much bigger group whose motives are not good. No, I'm not a black-helicopter, stealth-plane, area 51- believing nut who thinks everything is a government conspiracy. But anyone with any common sense can see that there is definitely something sinister going on in the country today. So who really runs things? I believe it is really three main groups:
1) Socialists. This generally includes Obama and his comrades/Czars and most of the people he grew up with, politically-speaking, in Chicago: Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Van Jones and the rest of that gang.
2) Unions. These thugs have so much power and influence that no one is willing to stand up to them. The NEA, SEIU, Autoworkers and the rest. They are only damaging our country and taking us further down the road to socialism.
3) LGBT. This group is pushing their agenda down America's throat. They don't want to be equal, they want to be the same - and they never will be. Their lifestyle is immoral and always will be no matter how many 'rights' they manage to deceitfully gain.
I am worried and scared for our country with groups like these running things. We've got to take a stand against these groups before it is too late.
1) Socialists. This generally includes Obama and his comrades/Czars and most of the people he grew up with, politically-speaking, in Chicago: Ayers, Wright, Rezko, Van Jones and the rest of that gang.
2) Unions. These thugs have so much power and influence that no one is willing to stand up to them. The NEA, SEIU, Autoworkers and the rest. They are only damaging our country and taking us further down the road to socialism.
3) LGBT. This group is pushing their agenda down America's throat. They don't want to be equal, they want to be the same - and they never will be. Their lifestyle is immoral and always will be no matter how many 'rights' they manage to deceitfully gain.
I am worried and scared for our country with groups like these running things. We've got to take a stand against these groups before it is too late.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Obama in Neverland
Barack Obama definitely lives in Neverland:
He never has had a real world job.
He never had a real growing-up-in-America experience.
He never has shown a love for democracy, the US Constitution or our Christian heritage.
He never was a member of a love-based, peace-espousing, faith-in-God church.
He never produced a real, true, undisputable birth certificate.
He never released the writings from his time in college.
He never released his medical records.
And most important,
he has never come out and explained his associations, friendships, or czar appointments and why everyone he attaches himself to is a communist.
We need to oppose every single thing this administration tries to pass. We need to vote Obama and every member of congress out. We need to find people who truly love America, who value family, hard work and self-reliance and who aren't beholden to the unions and vote them into office. We need to get this country back on track.
He never has had a real world job.
He never had a real growing-up-in-America experience.
He never has shown a love for democracy, the US Constitution or our Christian heritage.
He never was a member of a love-based, peace-espousing, faith-in-God church.
He never produced a real, true, undisputable birth certificate.
He never released the writings from his time in college.
He never released his medical records.
And most important,
he has never come out and explained his associations, friendships, or czar appointments and why everyone he attaches himself to is a communist.
We need to oppose every single thing this administration tries to pass. We need to vote Obama and every member of congress out. We need to find people who truly love America, who value family, hard work and self-reliance and who aren't beholden to the unions and vote them into office. We need to get this country back on track.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Please, please wake up out there. Check out this link:
So Obama now wants to be able to take over the internet in the case of an emergency. Is there any question that this guy wants total control, that he is a complete socialist/communist, and that his intentions are completely evil? Not in my mind or the minds of those who will actually stop and take an objective view of what is happening. The czars (aka special advisors) are in place, he's taken over the automobile and banking industries, he's got us neck deep in debt and he's trying to take control of the health system in the nation ..... the list just goes on and on. It is so blatantly obvious what this guy is doing. Do you see it?
So Obama now wants to be able to take over the internet in the case of an emergency. Is there any question that this guy wants total control, that he is a complete socialist/communist, and that his intentions are completely evil? Not in my mind or the minds of those who will actually stop and take an objective view of what is happening. The czars (aka special advisors) are in place, he's taken over the automobile and banking industries, he's got us neck deep in debt and he's trying to take control of the health system in the nation ..... the list just goes on and on. It is so blatantly obvious what this guy is doing. Do you see it?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The ACLU is at it again.
The ACLU (America's Communism Lovers Union) is at it again, this time in Florida. Three school administrators are facing criminal prosecution for saying a prayer at a private event. Once again, they are trying to push Christianity out of America. Rest assured that had these administrators read from the Koran, or prayed to the Sierra Club god of tree-dom or worshipped the GLBT god of free-for-all-sex, not a word would have been said. But since they are Christians, the ACLU is going after them. Why do we allow this organization to continue to receive taxpayer dollars then persecute the very people who make it possible for them to exist? Fortuantely Liberty Counsel is fighting back. Why can't Liberty Counsel get the same government financial support that the ACLU receives?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Man or Woman?
There is a South African track star, running as a woman, that may not actually be a woman. Unfortunately you can't really tell simply by looking at the person. So the international running police said they will have to do a gender test. Here's where I get confused. The AP story stated, "The verification requires a physical medical evaluation, and includes reports from a gynecologist, endocrinologist, psychologist, an internal medicine specialist and an expert on gender. "So we're talking about reports that are very long, very time consuming," Davies said."" What the .....! Isn't there just one test to do that would take about 10 seconds? Take this person into a private place with some delicately selected individuals and have them drop their chonies. You'll know right away. Why in the world would you do any other type of test? Here's the answer. Later in the article is this statement: "If there's a problem and it turns out there's been a fraud ..... that someone has changed sex, then obviously it would be much easier to strip results," Davies added. "However, if it's a natural thing and the athlete has always thought she's a woman or been a woman, it's not exactly cheating." You have got to be kidding me! So if a man believes he's a woman, it's now a "natural thing" and they can compete as a woman?!?! He can use the women's restroom, locker room, etc? This is so ludicrous I can hardly believe it is even being discussed. This is the same type of thing the LGBT people are trying to push on everybody in America, beginning with our children. This has got to be stopped. It is tearing the fabric of the family apart and when the family goes, America goes.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
"UP & OUT"
This needs to be our motto for the foreseeable elections. "UP & OUT" - If you're UP for re-election, you're getting voted OUT. Come on America, we've got to clean out this political cesspool and vote in people who are statesmen rather than politicians. I'm so tired of hearing from them - Democrats, Republicans, Liberatians, Independents, etc. -who don't stand up for anything and fall for everything. Where are the leaders who actually value family, country and God? Where has honesty and integrity gone? It's all so out of control. I'm an optimist and have hope that we'll turn this all around but some days I wonder.
OK, here's a couple of examples of the problems in America - John Edwards & Miley Cyrus. 'Nuff said.
OK, here's a couple of examples of the problems in America - John Edwards & Miley Cyrus. 'Nuff said.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Great Motivator
Did anyone hear Obama's speak to the NAACP? What in the world?!? We might as well have voted Zig Ziglar or Tony Robbins as President. And Obama was in total preacher mode. He gets up there and tells eveyone to pump up our kids and that they can do more than just be Lebron or Lil' Wayne, how we should dream and accomplish all we can. And of course his congregation was getting hysterical and applauding like crazy. I'm sure if he would have let out a big belch he would have gotten a standing ovation. He is the great motivator. Now, if he would just stick to what he is good at, we'd be OK. Instead, this guy is the POTUS. Let's elect a real president and just let Obama run around the world giving motivational speeches. Oh wait, he didn't even do that well when he was in Africa. Oh well.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
America, WAKE UP! Hello, are you there? What is wrong with you? Can't you see that Barack Obama and the liberals are taking over this country and heading us toward a socialist, one-world government? Come on, you can't tell me you don't see it. You can't honestly believe that what he is doing is good for the country. Let's see, here's just a sampling of what I see:
1) A stimulus package that put us so far into debt that my great grandchildren will still be paying for it. No substantial results except that it gives Obama more control.
2) Government is now running GM. More control.
3) Thirty-two government Czars who are given extraordinary authority with no one to answer to except, you guessed it, Obama. Which means - more control.
4) Pushing for cap-and-trade and government-led health care. Uh-Oh, more control.
5) Totally being in bed with all the unions in America. Can anyone say, "More control."
Oh, I could go on and on. This is so totally pathetic that it makes me crazy. Obama is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage (despite of what he says), pro-ACLU, pro-ACORN. How much more un-American can you be?!? When will we wake up and do something? We've got to save America.
1) A stimulus package that put us so far into debt that my great grandchildren will still be paying for it. No substantial results except that it gives Obama more control.
2) Government is now running GM. More control.
3) Thirty-two government Czars who are given extraordinary authority with no one to answer to except, you guessed it, Obama. Which means - more control.
4) Pushing for cap-and-trade and government-led health care. Uh-Oh, more control.
5) Totally being in bed with all the unions in America. Can anyone say, "More control."
Oh, I could go on and on. This is so totally pathetic that it makes me crazy. Obama is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage (despite of what he says), pro-ACLU, pro-ACORN. How much more un-American can you be?!? When will we wake up and do something? We've got to save America.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
How the NEA spends its time.
San Diego was a beautiful place for the NEA (National Education Association) to hold its recent conference. While there, they voted on, amongst other things, abortion and gay marriage. And, big surprise, they support both. Will someone please explain to me why the organization that supports the nation's teachers has to spend time taking a position on these two issues? Why aren't they spending that time discussing how they can better teach our children or how they can better manage their class time? Instead, they are so beholden to the LGBT & women's rights groups that they think they have to spend the time to discuss and then take a position on political issues. Why didn't they vote on what we should do in Iraq, how we should approach Iran, what to do about Israel, the ramifications of national health care, cap & trade, ..... etc? I'll tell you why - because they don't effect the core of what these people should be doing, which is teach our kids.
Here's my advice. Let's start private schools that take no government money and teach our kids in an environment that doesn't support immorality. Let's push for school vouchers. Let's do a lot more home schooling. Let's get our kids out of the hands of the useless NEA and into our hands, the hands of those who love the children and care about their future.
Here's my advice. Let's start private schools that take no government money and teach our kids in an environment that doesn't support immorality. Let's push for school vouchers. Let's do a lot more home schooling. Let's get our kids out of the hands of the useless NEA and into our hands, the hands of those who love the children and care about their future.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I Love My Wife
Does anyone love their wife more than I love mine? I can answer that very quickly - NO! My wife is the most wonderful person on this planet and I am so blessed to have found her and to have her put up with the likes of me. Being away from her has confirmed in my mind something I already knew - I am pretty worthless without her. We'll get through this adventure and I'm sure we'll learn lots of things but it is really going to be a long year.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Where Have I Been?
It's hard to believe its been more than half-a-year since I last added something here. Not that anyone actually cares but I should blog more just for my own sanity. So many things I keep thinking about that should be written down so they don't clutter up my brain.
1) Michael Jackson. He really was a talented individual. As a big Gene Kelly fan, I always admired Jackson for his singing and dancing. But unlike Kelly, Jackson couldn't act at all. But I always liked Jackson's music. My favorite Jackson 5 song has always been "I Want You Back' and my favorite solo is 'Black or White'. When I was DJ'ing, I sure played a lot of his music, usually encouraging the audience to see who could do the best moonwalk. So it is sad that he has passed. But is it really the end of the world that many people seem to think it is. I heard someone suggest a Michael Jackson stamp and a day to honor him. Come on now! He was good but he was also very wierd and even leaned to the perverted side. He was an entertainer. If you're going to honor someone, how about all the doctors and nurses that save lives every day, or the soldiers that protect our country, or the policemen and firemen, or clergy and volunteers or ....... the list goes on. Although he entertained us, he never did what any of these others have done for us. Let's just say thanks and goodbye, and save the honors for those who truly deserve them.
2) Sarah Palin. Let's make her Mitt Romney's VP running mate and get them both elected. That's what this country really needs - some real business sense and some of that Alaska common sense.
3) Barack Obama. I've finally figured him out. He wants to be king of the world. Yes, I said KING OF THE WORLD! I know everyone thinks I'm nutty but all the signs are there. He criticizes the US, apologizes to the world for our behavior, takes down all of our defenses and snuggles up with the every leader/dictator/terrorist in the world and then scolds the one nation the rest of the world loves to hate - Israel. Think about it, if you wanted to win an election to be the king of the world, what would you do? Exactly what Obama is doing! I'm all for being diplomatic and trying to make nice with others, but come on! He is taking our country down a socialist road (so that the rest of the world will feel good) and doing everything he can to destroy all that is good about this country. If we're stuck with eight years of this man as president, we'll all be in big trouble.
Whew, that felt good. I should do it more often.
1) Michael Jackson. He really was a talented individual. As a big Gene Kelly fan, I always admired Jackson for his singing and dancing. But unlike Kelly, Jackson couldn't act at all. But I always liked Jackson's music. My favorite Jackson 5 song has always been "I Want You Back' and my favorite solo is 'Black or White'. When I was DJ'ing, I sure played a lot of his music, usually encouraging the audience to see who could do the best moonwalk. So it is sad that he has passed. But is it really the end of the world that many people seem to think it is. I heard someone suggest a Michael Jackson stamp and a day to honor him. Come on now! He was good but he was also very wierd and even leaned to the perverted side. He was an entertainer. If you're going to honor someone, how about all the doctors and nurses that save lives every day, or the soldiers that protect our country, or the policemen and firemen, or clergy and volunteers or ....... the list goes on. Although he entertained us, he never did what any of these others have done for us. Let's just say thanks and goodbye, and save the honors for those who truly deserve them.
2) Sarah Palin. Let's make her Mitt Romney's VP running mate and get them both elected. That's what this country really needs - some real business sense and some of that Alaska common sense.
3) Barack Obama. I've finally figured him out. He wants to be king of the world. Yes, I said KING OF THE WORLD! I know everyone thinks I'm nutty but all the signs are there. He criticizes the US, apologizes to the world for our behavior, takes down all of our defenses and snuggles up with the every leader/dictator/terrorist in the world and then scolds the one nation the rest of the world loves to hate - Israel. Think about it, if you wanted to win an election to be the king of the world, what would you do? Exactly what Obama is doing! I'm all for being diplomatic and trying to make nice with others, but come on! He is taking our country down a socialist road (so that the rest of the world will feel good) and doing everything he can to destroy all that is good about this country. If we're stuck with eight years of this man as president, we'll all be in big trouble.
Whew, that felt good. I should do it more often.
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